How Does it Work?
IMS uses acupuncture needles to specifically target injured muscles, which have tightened/contracted as a result of injury/stress. The needles are inserted into the affected areas, which can be directly into the tight bands of muscles, or near the spine where the nerves have become irritated. Generally, the insertion of the needles is relatively painless, however when put into a tight band, you may feel the slight sensation of muscle cramping. The objective is to relax the tight bands of muscle, improve local blood flow to the area and normalize nerve function.
Your First Treatment
Your first treatment will involve a thorough assessment of your injury to determine the areas causing you pain. It will generally involve a few needles, as each person will react quite differently and it is not possible to know exactly how you will react. You will generally feel some mild cramping during the treatment when the needles are directed into the tight bands of muscle and some soreness for up to 24-48 hours after the treatment.
IMS may help with the following conditions:
- Back Pain/Sciatica/Spinal Disc Problems
- Neck Pain and Whiplash
- Tennis/Golfers Elbow
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Shoulder Impingement
- Headaches/TMJ Pain
IMS should be avoided:
- During pregnancy
- If you have a compromised immune system or fever
- If there is a local infection or wound in the area
- Post-surgery for 3-6 months
- Post-mastectomy/lymph node removal in that limb
- If you are taking blood thinners or have hemophilia. Those who are taking blood thinners may be eligible for IMS with prior consultation and approval in writing from your doctor.
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